
Ajinomoto Cup Soup Variety Set (Pack of 13)

通常価格 ¥4,006 JPY


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Ajinomoto Cup Soup Variety Set (Pack of 13) - Buy Me Japan
Ajinomoto Cup Soup Variety Set (Pack of 13)
通常価格 ¥4,006 JPY
味の素 クノール カップスープ プレミアム バラエティ 13 個セットをお楽しみください。 エビビスク、クラムチャウダー、オニオングラタンの 3 つの味が特徴のこの即席スープセットは、スティックに個包装されており、保管に便利で省スペースです。濃厚な具材がスープにじっくり染み込んだ贅沢な味わいで、朝食やおやつ、休憩に最適です。自分へのご褒美に、手間のかからないおいしいスープセットをぜひご賞味ください。

Ingredients: [Shrimp bisque] Starch, dextrin, creaming powder, sugar, seafood extract, edible processed oil, potato, whole milk powder, shrimp sauce powder, salt, lobster extract, tomato powder, concentrated whey, cheese, millepore powder, milk Protein, clam extract, onion extract, chicken extract, butter sautéed onion powder, spices, yeast extract fermented seasoning, parsley / seasoning (amino acids, etc.), emulsifier, paprika pigment, acidulant, (some Including wheat, milk ingredients, shrimp, soybeans, chicken) [Clam chowder] Starch, creaming powder, sugar, potato, dextrin, edible processed oil, clam extract, salt, lactose, whole milk powder, cheese, onion extract, concentrated whey, Onion, yeast extract, spices, yeast extract fermented seasoning, umami (croutons, dried clams, parsley) / seasonings (amino acids, etc.), emulsifiers, leavening agents, antioxidants (vitamin E, rosemary extract), acidity Ingredients, (contains wheat, milk ingredients, and soybeans in part) [Onion gratin soup] Dextrin, onion extract, lactose, salt, chicken extract, sugar, yeast extract, edible processed oil, vegetable extract seasoning, Chinese cabbage extract, butter Sauteed onion powder, cheese, powdered soy sauce, onion, spice, yeast extract fermented seasoning, ukimi (cheese croutons, processed cheese product, onion seasoning, parsley) / seasoning (amino acids, etc.), caramel pigment, emulsifier, leavening agent , Acidulant, Antioxidant (Vitamin E), Flavoring, (Contains wheat, milk, soybeans, chicken, and gelatin in part)

The Ajinomoto Group story began in 1908 when scientist Dr. Kikunae Ikeda discovered that the amino acid found in traditional Japanese seaweed soup (also called dashi), L-glutamic acid, is the source of umami – the savory, fifth taste found in many foods. This discovery led to the founding of Ajinomoto Co.

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