
Marumiya Furikake Nori Wasabi 20g

通常価格 ¥306 JPY


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Marumiya Furikake Nori Wasabi 22g - Buy Me Japan
Marumiya Furikake Nori Wasabi 20g
通常価格 ¥306 JPY

丸美屋 ふりかけ のりわさびは、料理に風味を加えてくれる、美味しくて風味豊かな日本の調味料です。上質な素材を使用し、風味豊かな海苔とピリッとしたわさびをブレンドした、風味とピリピリとした独特の味わいのふりかけです。


日本食がお好きな方にも、食事に刺激を加えたい方にも、丸美屋 ふりかけ のりわさびは最適です。今日の料理においしい風味を加えてみてはいかがでしょうか?

Ingredients: roasted sesame (domestically produced), salt, lactose, sugar, bonito shavings, glue, starch, wheat flour, soy sauce, processed soybean product, wasabi stem, sea lettuce, seaweed calcium, extract (bonito flakes, yeast, seafood, onion), Matcha, dairy products, mirin, rapeseed oil, green laver, palm oil, horseradish, soybean oil, dextrin, margarine, high-fructose corn syrup, yeast, reduced starch syrup/seasonings (amino acids, etc.), cyclic oligosaccharides, flavors, colorings ( caramel, flavonoids, gardenias, carotenoids), iron pyrophosphate, antioxidants (vitamin E), (partially contains milk ingredients, wheat, sesame, soybeans)

Marumiya is a Japanese brand that offers a range of high-quality food products such as seasoning, soup stock, and instant noodles. With a commitment to using only the finest ingredients, Marumiya provides delicious and authentic flavors that are sure to please any palate. Discover the taste of Japan with Marumiya's authentic and flavorful products. Shop now and experience the best that Japanese cuisine has to offer!

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150 米ドル以上のご注文の場合、送料は無料です。この金額以下のご注文の場合は、日本郵便の通常配送(有料)を利用させていただきます。



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