
Chifure Brightening Lotion Vitamin C and Arbutin 180ml

通常価格 ¥2,582 JPY
セールスプライス ¥3,037 JPY
Type: リフレッシュ


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Chifure Brightening Lotion Vitamin C and Arbutin 180ml - Buy Me Japan
Chifure Brightening Lotion Vitamin C and Arbutin 180ml
通常価格 ¥2,582 JPY
セールスプライス ¥3,037 JPY
ちふれ ブライトニングローションは、シミ・そばかすの根本原因であるメラニン生成にアプローチする高機能薬用美白化粧水です。安定型ビタミンC誘導体とアルブチンの2種類の美白有効成分を配合し、ダブルアプローチでみずみずしい透明感のある肌へ導きます。
  • ダブル美白成分:安定型ビタミンC誘導体とアルブチンでメラニンの生成を抑え、透明感のある輝く肌へ。
  • 保湿処方:5種類の保湿成分配合で乾燥を防ぎ、明るく潤いのある肌を保ちます。
  • なめらかな塗り心地:肌になめらかになじみ、しっとりやわらかな肌に仕上げる保湿タイプの化粧水です。
  • さっぱりタイプとしっとりタイプの2タイプをご用意。

      Active Ingredients: Albutin 3.00%, L-ascorbic acid 2-glucoside 2.00% Other Ingredients: Moisturizing Ingredients: Thick Glycerin 6.00%, BG 4.02%, Polyethylene Glycol 4000 1.00%, Trehalose Liquid 0.03%, Glycyrrhizic Acid 2K 0.0.0. 1%, hyal Sodium fluoate (2) 0.01% Oil emollient ingredient: Novara oil Suitable amounts pH adjuster: K hydrooxide appropriate amount, sodium citrate, citric acid suitable amount, hydroxyethandiphosphonic acid solution, preservative: methylparaben suitable amount, phenoxyethanol suitable amol suitable amount solventing agent: polyo Xyethylene hardened castor Oil 0.15% Chelating Agent: EDTA-2Na 0.01% Base Agent: Purified water *100% total amount

      Chifure is a well-known Japanese skincare brand that has gained popularity for its high-quality and affordable products. The brand has been around for several decades and is highly regarded for its focus on simplicity, effectiveness, and accessibility.

      Chifure was founded in 1968 by the parent company Chidoriya Co., Ltd., with the aim of providing high-quality skincare products at reasonable prices. The brand's philosophy revolves around the belief that good skincare should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget. Chifure's commitment to affordability has made it a beloved choice among a wide range of consumers.

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      150 米ドル以上のご注文の場合、送料は無料です。この金額以下のご注文の場合は、日本郵便の通常配送(有料)を利用させていただきます。



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