
Chifure Moisturizing Cream 56g

通常価格 ¥2,237 JPY


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Chifure Moisturizing Cream 56g - Buy Me Japan
Chifure Moisturizing Cream 56g
通常価格 ¥2,237 JPY

  • 深い水分補給: ヒアルロン酸とトレハロースで水分補給を深くし、ダイナミックなデュオで肌に潤いと輝きを保ち、水分を閉じ込めて乾燥の兆候を防ぎます。
  • 軽量フォーミュラ: クリームの軽くてエアリーなテクスチャーは、その強力な保湿特性に反して、肌の上を滑らかに滑り、ベタつかず快適な仕上がりを実現し、毎日の使用に最適です。
  • 純粋で優しい:肌の敏感さを念頭に置いて作られたこのクリームは、香料、着色料、アルコールを含まず、最もデリケートな肌の状況でも穏やかな安息の地となります。


          Oil-based emollient ingredient mineral oil 6.25%, mystylic acid 4.00%, behenyl alcohol 3.20%, dimethicone 3.00%, lauroyl glutamate (octicyldethyl/phitosteryl/behenyl) 2.00%, trypolyhydroxysterine Acid dipentae Lysthyl 1.50%, Polyglyceryl Triisosteerate, 2 1.00%, Triethyl hexanoin, 0.75%, Macademia nut Oil 0.50% Moisturizing Ingredient Glycerin 8.00%, BG 5.33%, PEG-75 1.00%, Trehaloth 0. 50%, Sodium Hyaluronic Acid 0.10% Emulsifier Glyceryl Stearate, 2.00% Stearate, PEG-40 1.00% Preservative Methylparaben 0.21%, Propylparaben 0.10%, Phenoxyethanol 0.01% Chelate Agent EDTA 2Na 0.10% thickening agent, xanthan gum, 0.10% pH regulator, arginine, suitable amount, antioxidant, tocopherol

          Chifure is a well-known Japanese skincare brand that has gained popularity for its high-quality and affordable products. The brand has been around for several decades and is highly regarded for its focus on simplicity, effectiveness, and accessibility.

          Chifure was founded in 1968 by the parent company Chidoriya Co., Ltd., with the aim of providing high-quality skincare products at reasonable prices. The brand's philosophy revolves around the belief that good skincare should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget. Chifure's commitment to affordability has made it a beloved choice among a wide range of consumers.

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          150 米ドル以上のご注文の場合、送料は無料です。この金額以下のご注文の場合は、日本郵便の通常配送(有料)を利用させていただきます。



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          • 荷物が紛失したか、注文日から 45 日以内に配達されませんでした。
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