Sana Soy Isoflavones Whitening & Acne Care Mist Lotion 120ml

通常価格 ¥2,218 JPY


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Sana Soy Isoflavones Whitening & Acne Care Mist Lotion 120ml
Sana Soy Isoflavones Whitening & Acne Care Mist Lotion 120ml
通常価格 ¥2,218 JPY

サナ 大豆イソフラボン ホワイトニング & アクネ ケア ミスト ローションで、明るくシミのない肌を手に入れましょう。この 120ml の驚異は、完璧な肌の色合いと質感を実現するための味方です。

  • シミのない輝き: アルブチンを配合し、シミや不均一な肌の色調にアプローチし、肌を若々しい輝きで照らします。
  • ニキビ防御: グリチルリチン酸ジカリウムが強化されており、肌を落ち着かせてニキビを防ぎ、滑らかできれいな肌を保ちます。
  • 深い水分補給: 豆乳発酵エキスとグリセリンの相乗効果で、深く保湿して栄養を与え、お肌にしなやかさと活力を与えます。


Arbutine,dipotassium glycyrrhizinate*Water, Glycerin, DPG, soy milk fermentation, dise extract, BG, ethanol, citric acid, sodium citrate, vinyl pilolidone styrene copolymer emulsion, polyoxyethylene phythesterol, polyoxymethylene polyoxypropylene glyceryl ether (3B.O.. (8E.O.) 5P.O.), phenoxyethanol, paraben *markings are active ingredients. Products without marking are other ingredients

Sana is a renowned Japanese skincare brand that specializes in facial anti-aging products enriched with soy isoflavones, a key ingredient known for its beneficial effects on the skin. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Sana has gained a strong reputation for delivering effective skincare solutions that promote youthful and radiant-looking skin.

At the heart of Sana's skincare philosophy lies the use of soy isoflavones, a naturally occurring compound found in soybeans. Soy isoflavones are known for their powerful antioxidant properties, which help protect the skin against free radicals and environmental damage. They also possess anti-inflammatory benefits that can soothe and calm the skin, reducing redness and irritation.

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