Første ordre 10% RABAT - Kode: hellojp



Opnå en strålende, afbalanceret hud med Kiso Care Niacinamide Serum. Formuleret med 20 % niacinamid og suppleret med kraftfulde ingredienser som PCA-zink og hyaluronsyrer, er dette serum målrettet mod sløvhed, regulerer olie og hydrerer dybt. Med en blid, tilsætningsfri formel og infunderet med naturlige planteekstrakter, er den perfekt til at opnå glat, glødende hud.

  • Høj-potens Niacinamid (20%): Lysner kedelig hud og afbalancerer olie og fugt for en fastere, mere ensartet teint.
  • 4 % PCA-zink: Reducerer talgproduktionen og fremmer glat, klar og elastisk hud.
  • 4 typer hyaluronsyre: Leverer intens hydrering til fyldig, fugtrig hud, der føles blød og smidig.

Water, niacinamide, PCA zinc, propandiol, panthenol, pliers glycol, glycerin, sodium acetyl hyaluronic acid, hyaluronic acid crosspoly-2-Na, hyaluronic acid sodium hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed collagen, kudamono silica fruit extract, tvoca extract, ozone root extract, ozone extract, ozone root extract, molus extract, moli Root extract, canzo Urn root extract, cha leaf extract, rosemary leaf extract, kamisle flower extract, hydroxyethyl cellulose, BG, ethylhexyl glycerin, borosilicate (Ca/Na), silver oxide

Om mærket: Kiso Care

Kiso Care is a Japanese skincare brand that focuses on using natural and locally sourced ingredients to create gentle yet effective skincare products. The brand is inspired by the traditional Japanese beauty practices and the natural beauty of the Kiso region in Japan.

Kiso Care offers a range of skincare products, including cleansers, toners, moisturizers, and masks, that are designed to be gentle and nourishing to the skin. The products are free from harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and artificial colors, making them suitable for sensitive skin types.

The key ingredients used in Kiso Care's products include Japanese botanicals like green tea, rice bran oil, and yuzu fruit extract, which are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The brand also uses ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides to help hydrate and strengthen the skin barrier.

Kiso Care's products are packaged in eco-friendly materials, and the brand is committed to sustainable and ethical practices throughout their production process. Overall, Kiso Care offers a holistic approach to skincare, emphasizing the importance of natural ingredients, gentle formulations, and mindful practices.

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